sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012

Welcome Autumn

Quando chega esta altura do ano já estou cheia de saudades da minha roupa de Outono/Inverno, das minhas botas, de andar de pijama e robe pela casa a pastelar, de leite quente com chocolate, de sentir o peso dos cobertores por cima de mim quando vou dormir, de ouvir a chuva a bater nas janelas, de sentir o cheiro da terra molhada e das velas de canela a queimar, dos doces caseiros...

Não há nenhuma estação do ano que eu não goste ou que goste mais do que as outras, cada uma tem o seu encanto e é deliciosa à sua maneira.

When it comes this time of the year I'm already missing my Fall/Winter clothes, my boots, walk in pijamas by the house doing anything, hot chocolate, feel all the blankets over me when I go to sleep, hear the rain beating on the windows, the smell of wet earth, cinnamoon candles burning...

There's no season that I like the most or I don't like at all, each has charm and is delicious in its own way

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

É a isto que eu chamo de humor negro


This year I wasn't really in the mode to celebrate my birthday so my family was in charge of everything I spent all day with them, eating a lot, have fun with Sebastião and the turtles in the lake (he is in love with them) , it went pretty good. 

Here's some photos I took.

My favorite flower: sunflower (the one you  almost can't see)

I'm definitly not a fan of this type of bracelets but this one is so special.

New cellphone, I love it! All the pictures in this post were taken with it.

Before bed time I spent some time reading this book my sister gave me, I really enjoy drink coffee, it's one of my favorite drinks and this book is very interesting, it tells the history of coffee, some places in Portugal were you can get some quality coffee, recipes and other things, It was a pretty nice gift.

A couple of days ago, when I was removing the flowers I discovered this little cute caterpillar.
There's nothing better then start the day with a running. Today were five laps to the field, I was expecting to run only two so it wasn't nothing bad.
Tomorrow will be more.