terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Time

I hope your Christmas is being amazing with lots of love, peace and quality time with the ones you love the most.
I'm spending Christmas at my parents' house, the most important thing at christmas is the family so i'm in the right place near the ones I love.
Yesterday was a very a special day with full of family traditions: cooking, christmas church, presents, christmas music in the background, candles everywhere and dinner with all the christmas foods.
Today it's being a very cozy and relaxing day, lots of movies, playing my new game like a child and eating too much.

sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2012

Bolo de Aniversário

No dia treze deste mês a minha mãe fez anos e eu fiquei encarregada de preparar o bolo de aniversário.
Depois de muito pesquisar, ver receitas daqui e dali escolhi um pão-de-ló com recheio de chantilly e ananás.



- 250 gr de farinha;
- 300 gr de açúcar;
- 1 colher de chá de fermento;
- 10 ovos;
- Raspas de limão.

Separar as gemas das claras e bater as claras em castelo.

Misturar as gemas, o açúcar  a farinha, o fermento e as raspas de limão às claras e bater tudo, durante cerca de 20 minutos (parte importante para o bolo ficar fofinho), a massa tem de ficar com bolhinhas como as da imagem.

Levar ao forno a 180º por cerca de 40 minutos.


- 2 pacotes de natas frescas;
- 10 colheres de chá de açúcar em pó;
- Ananás q.b.

O chantilly nunca me tinha saído aceitável até fazer esta receita.
As natas têm de ser das frescas (nos hipermercados estão ao pé dos iogurtes) e o açúcar em pó.
Num recipiente juntar as natas e o açúcar, bater com a batedeira na velocidade mínima até adquirir a consistência desejada.

Após o bolo estar frio parti-o ao meio, barrei uma das metades com o chantilly, coloquei pedaços de ananás por cima e juntei a outra metade. Barrei toda a parte exterior com o chantilly, por cima polvilhei com cacau e açúcar em pó.

Aqui está o resultado final, ficou super fofo e fez um enorme sucesso.

sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas is all around

A few days from christmas I decided it was time to put Sebastião according to the season.
I think this cute scarf it's very appropriate.

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Wishlist

Christmas Wishlist

In nineteen days it's christmas eve so I think it's time to give Santa a little help with some of my wishes:

Snowflakes Pattern Sweater - I'm into snowflakes this season
L'occitane Hand Cream - Mine from Cowshed it's almost finished and I want to try something new
Pijama - A cozy one for this cold nights (miss you F*)
Black Mascara - Waterproof, please
Ferrero Rocher - My favorite chocolate ever
Warm boots
Black bag
Pearl studs
The Sims 3 Seasons - So excited with this new expansion pack

If you can't give me everything it's fine, with just some peace I'll be very happy.

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Movies

Every Christmas season  I like to review some movies, it helps me entering in the mood for my favorite time of the year. 

Here's a list of them:

Love Actually (2003)

The Holiday (2006)

The Polar Express (2004)

A Christmas Carol (2009)

How the Grinch Stole the Christmas (2000)

Christmas Eve on Sesame Street (1978)

This is such a special movie for me because when I was a kid I saw this (in VHS) every single christmas and several times in a row (my sister went crazy), now I see the Big Bird with my nephews. I was so happy when I found it after so many years since the last time I saw it.

Which are your favorite Christmas movies?